😇💰 Series 65 for Angels


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Kaplan Series 65 Exam Prep

Last updated Dec 10, 2022 Edit Source

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Kaplan’s Series 65 exam prep comes in multiple pre-bundled packages.

The “basic” package costs US$159.00 (as of time of writing), and should be enough for your self-study needs.

What this resource contains:


The online access period for Kaplan’s exam prep materials is 5 months. You can pay for an additional 5 month extension (check their website)

# Where to buy

# Direct from Kaplan

Buy direct from Kaplan →

# Amazon

If you prefer to buy from Amazon, the textbook is for sale there. However, please note that the Amazon listing does not include access to the online question bank or study tools.

Buy from Amazon (textbook only) →

# How I used the Kaplan to study

I started using the Kaplan materials about a month before my exam, doing the practice tests for each section, the mock exam, and half of the weighted practice exams over the course of 3 weeks.

By following their study calendar, you can customize your study time to any time (3 weeks is the shortest recommended time).

I ended up using up a quarter of the question bank toward the end of my revision.

Each day, I used their performance tracker to track down parts I was weak in and marked them in the exam manual and revised the relevant parts. Kaplan breaks it down all the way to a “learning objective”, so it makes targeted revision super easy.

After going through test questions section-by-section for a week, I became used to the way the questions were phrased and their gotchas. I was consistently scoring 80%+ on the practice exams, and scored 74% on the mock exam (the mock exam is a one-off exam that is a little harder than the practice questions and doesn’t reuse any of the questions from the test bank).

The actual test requires 73% to pass, so if you’re scoring higher than that on Kaplan, you should be good to go! The actual exam’s questions are phrased really similarly to the Kaplan practice questions, but they’re a lot easier than the Kaplan ones.