😇💰 Series 65 for Angels


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After the Exam

Last updated Dec 10, 2022 Edit Source

In order to become accredited, after passing the Series 65, you will need to register as an Investment Adviser Representative (IAR), as well as register an RIA firm.

# When to register and renew

The Series 65 expires in two years unless you register with a state

You have two years to become registered (licensed) with a state after passing the exam. Otherwise, your exam’s status will show as “expired” and you will need to retake the exam

Licenses expire, and need renewing every year

You should already know this, as it’s covered in the exam, but it’s worth remembering that all state registrations expire and need renewing December 31st of every year. You must pay the renewal fee every year.

# References

Here are some guides from around the web that outline the general process of registration: