😇💰 Series 65 for Angels


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Memorization Cheatsheet

Last updated Dec 10, 2022 Edit Source

Think of this as a cheatsheet of the key things you’ll definitely want to remember by heart.

This exam is more like a law exam than a math exam, although there are some basic figures and formulas you’ll need to remember. We’ll list them all here, although this list is not guaranteed to be exhaustive.

If you’ve studied the exam well following the Test Prep Strategy Guide, then you should already be familiar with the items in this cheatsheet.

Use this list to scan and commit to short-term memory a few hours before the exam.

Study Tip

We recommend copy & pasting this to your own note-taking app or printing it out— whatever helps you!

Figures might be outdated

Most of these facts & figures are unlikely to change, but some might change over time, especially those related to specific regulations. Please check with a latest-edition textbook to see if these figures have been updated. Please use this page only as a guideline for the most important things to remember

# 🔢 Assumed Figures

# ⤴️ Thresholds

# 📅 Dates

# 🧮 Formulas

# 🧠 Heuristics

# 💢 Exceptions

# ⚖️ Dichotomies

There are certain concepts in the exam that are slightly different variants of each other, or are concepts that sound similar, that the exam will use to trick you.

You must know the differences between: