😇💰 Series 65 for Angels


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Master Guide

Last updated Dec 10, 2022 Edit Source

# First time here?

If you haven’t started studying for this exam yet, we recommend first reviewing the Exam Outline.

This will ensure you’re at least familiar with the scope of topics the exam will be covering, as well as to help you estimate how much time you would need to spend studying.

# Ready to start studying? Here’s what you’re gonna do:

# 1. Buy a good set of test prep materials

Full guide: Textbook & Question Bank Buying Guide

# 2. Plan your study

Next, you’ll want to plan how best to tackle studying the exam. Your exact strategy will depend on how much you already know about the topics being tested, as well as how much time you have.

Full guide: Test Prep Strategy Guide

# 3. Study the material

As you study the material, you may use this guide as a companion to aid your understanding.

This site is organized like a wiki, where topics and concepts are richly linked. When the concepts are still unfamiliar to you, knowing how they relate to each other can be extremely helpful to cement understanding.

Handy tip

When browsing a particular topic or concept, scroll to the end to see other topics or concepts where it is referenced.

See 🔖 Topics for more

# 4. Register for the exam

Once you feel you’re ready to take the exam, you’ll want to register to take it at a test center.

Full guide: Exam Registration Guide

# 5. Revise, revise, revise

In the days and weeks leading up to your exam date, you’ll want to cram in as much practice exams as possible, as well as commiting all the relevant facts & figures to memory.

If you’ve ever studied for an exam before, this should be familiar to you. Do whatever works for you, and don’t sweat it!

Full guide: Memorization Cheatsheet

# 6. You’ve passed! Now what?

If you’ve been following along with this guide, we assume you want to pass the Series 65 because you want to become an accredited investor.

Passing the exam is just the first step to becoming accredited. After passing the exam, there are a few more steps you’ll have to take before you’re fully licensed.

Full guide: Post-Exam Registration Guide