😇💰 Series 65 for Angels


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Last updated Dec 10, 2022 Edit Source

Agents represent the Issuer or Broker-Dealer (BD) in the purchase and sale of (or attempted purchase and sale of) securities with the public.

An agent (also known as a “registered representative”) may only be an individual (natural person).

# Agents are required to register in:

# Agents are not required to register if:

Incomplete information

A list of conditions which make an issuer or transaction exempt is not available on this site. Please consult an updated textbook for the most up-to-date list

Who is excluded from the definition of an Agent?

Reps of BDs must always register

If the Agent represents a Broker-Dealer (BD) firm, they must always register, no matter what

Which Agents are exempt from registration?

No de minimis exemption

Unlike Investment Adviser Representatives (IARs), Agents do not have a de minimis exemption

# How do Agents register?

Agents must use Form U4 to register with the appropriate jurisdictions and/or self-regulatory organizations.