😇💰 Series 65 for Angels


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# What is this?

This is a companion strategy guide to the NASAA Series 65 Exam, otherwise known as the “Uniform Investment Adviser Law Exam”.

This guide is written for anyone looking to pass this exam as a pre-requisite to invest in pre-IPO startups as an angel investor.

This guide is applicable to anyone looking to angel invest in U.S.-based startups, and don’t otherwise meet the other qualifications to be considered an accredited investor.

Note: Even if you’re a foreign investor, these still apply to you under United States securities laws.

# Explore this site

New here?

📚 Get started with the Master Guide


Tips to get started on your journey to pass the Series 65 exam

View all guides →


Specific resources (books, courses, videos) that will help you in understanding and mastering the material

View all resources →

# Who wrote this and why?

My name is Andric Tham, and I’m a product manager / designer / angel investor.

I started angel investing in 2021 while taking a sabbatical, and started studying the Series 65 in order to meet accredited investor qualifications.

As part of my study journey, I wrote a ton of notes in my Roam Research graph. The notes here are a synthesis of those notes. Hopefully they will help you pass the exam too!

Note that because I studied the exam between October 2021—February 2022, some of the information here might be outdated. If you encounter inaccuracies, please contact me for corrections (see section below).

# Contributing

If you find any inaccuracies, please let me know and I’ll correct it here.

If you’d like to improve the content on this site, you should open a PR on the GitHub repo, here.

# Contact

If you’re a Hustle Fund Angel Squad member, you can find me on Circle.

Otherwise, you can DM me on Twitter and I’ll do my best to help or answer questions.

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